
As I watch your form fading with distance,
My heart aches with loneliness. 
I long to follow you
And bring you back to my side. 
Needing so desperately to have you in my life...
But knowing the choice is beyond my control...
You are not yet mine. 
My body rebelling as I turn to
Take the steps that lead me opposite your path.
My soul crying quietly
As I bite my lip to stop from calling out your name
And begging you not to leave. 
Please do not leave me alone
In the quiet hell the world becomes when you are gone. 
After all of this time...
I should be accustomed to the way the vibrant colors dim at your parting...
And the sounds of the world
Become muted. 
As I follow my own path...
The chill that always accompanies
Our separation settles deeply in my chest.
I will quietly wait for the darkness to pass
And in the morning you, my sun,

Shall warm me again.


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