Invisible Anxiety

Face lacking any outward appearance of my thoughts...
My inner self curled tightly in a ball
In the corner of my mind. 
Arms caged around her waist and rocking quietly in sadness
Anxiety sits a few steps behind her...
Incessantly rattling off one snippet after another...
A negative stream of consciousness.
Tears fall silently down her face as she vainly tries covering her ears. 
Knowing the tales Anxiety weaves are untrue. 
Finally, whimpering in exhaustion,
Her hands fall as her forehead drops to her knees in defeat. 
Anxiety’s words slowly eating away at her
Until she is trembling with the mere effort of breathing.
Unaware of my battle, 
People carry on obliviously around me. 
Lost in a sea of humanity..

Alone and invisible.


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